Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Upcoming Reviews and Year End List Schedule

I know I haven't posted anything since before Christmas - I had a just over a week off work, and took a break from writing. I did not, however, take a break from watching movies. So within the next week reviews of new films American Hustle, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Anchorman 2 and Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. I also caught up with some others that I probably should have seen earlier - Night Across the Street and Muscle Shoals among them, so they'll be up as well. I hope to have everything up by the middle of next week.

The following week - starting on Monday January 13th - I will do my annual year end report, with a top 10 list, many runners up, acting top 10 lists for each category (and ensemble), posts on animation and documentaries, my own personal Oscar ballot and lists of the most disappointing and worst films (not the same thing). Although it has not been a huge player - either in awards or with critics top 10 lists - I want to ensure I see Lone Survivor before I do any of this - because it does have its supporters. As well, it gives me another two weekends to catch up on anything from 2013 I should have seen.

This may well be the last year for a while that I can maintain this kind of blogging schedule - both in terms of the number of movies I see, and the timing of my seeing them (and getting my year end schedule done). With Baby #2 coming in February, I may well have to cut further back on the movies I see in theaters. Plus, I plan to be off on paternity leave between this summer and next February - which may well mean no trip to TIFF this September (or a very limited one) and I won't be in Toronto for work every day, meaning it won't be as easy to see the smaller new releases as soon as they come out.

But I love doing this so even if it is in a slightly reduced capacity, I will still be doing this for the foreseeable future. I hope you had a great 2013 and that 2014 is even better.

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